Hiring someone in-house to take care of all of this is one good solution, but the outsourcing of support services can be beneficial for smaller or new operations. IT support outsourcing can be a great solution to free up your time to work on the next iteration of your software.
When looking at technical support providers, average issue resolution time is one of the big questions. Or if you choose to hire in-house, here is a quick tip for resolving customer issues in the quickest way possible.
Sort the issues by average time to resolve rather than in the order in which they came in. If this seems counter-intuitive, don’t worry. Think of it this way, if you have ten issues in your mailbox and the first two will take you two hours each to fix and the other eight will take 5 to 30 minutes each, you’ll get more customers taken care of sooner if you pick the smaller projects first. You will be a hero to those customers for fantastic issue resolution time.
Not only will your customers be super excited about the quality of your tech support by fixing their problems quickly, but it’s also an enormous motivational boost to your tech support team as well. Completing eight out of the ten projects in our example in the first couple hours of the day makes the rest of the day easier and less stressful. This doesn’t only apply to tech support strategies.
Of course, outsourced customer service lets you focus on growing your business instead of finding strategies for better customer service. But we are admittedly a little biased on the subject of support outsourcing. How can we help you help your customers?